Chapter 1 & other stuff
Chapter 1 planning phase is finished today and we begin to map now.
The first chapter is in Nova Prospekt, you have to find your way out.
Chapter 2 is also in planning phase right now, so we aren't bored :)

Also we're having a coder who's doing some stuff for us.
The most unreasonable, but cool feature i guess will be choices of meele weapons you have when you start a chapter:
we had four meele-weapons but thought it's stupid having four different ones in the HUD.
Therefore we desided to make them chooseable when you start a chapter.
Right now you can choose between

  • Stun-Stick
  • Shovel
  • Brick
  • Pipe

there will be no difference in these weapons in damage or firerate, no advantage or disatvantage when you choose another one.
Puchi,Thursday 22 September 2005 - 23:07:15 Read/Post comments: 7

URL may change
as the title says, the URL may changes.
but nothing is confirmed yet

to keep you guys alive, i give a short overview: thanks to the typical summer plot hole we did actually nothing.
just a few things, we started work on the first chapter, the training "room", we have a logo and the intro is almost finished.

and as long as my roomtemperature is too high, i probably won't do anything, because i cannot concentrate when its hot.
additionally i found an old game i've never beaten bef.... :D

greetz ~~ Puchi
Puchi,Friday 09 September 2005 - 03:30:02 Read/Post comments: 13

ModDB Entry
we're still working, really.
and to give a little proof i'm showing you guys two screenshots i recently posted at
Puchi,Thursday 23 June 2005 - 00:50:42 Read/Post comments: 14

its going its going
even though noone cares, i give a little update:
its going...
he have discussed a few things and working now on the first map.
it will be the intro, completly holded as cutscene.
Puchi,Tuesday 24 May 2005 - 18:06:19 Read/Post comments: 5

Website done
as the title says, website so far done, even with the two necessary sites and after a bit tinkering in the database the sorting in the mainmenu is also correct.
Then i can go tomorrow and start the first map of this mod!
and i probably will change here and there some images...
Puchi,Friday 20 May 2005 - 01:47:05 Read/Post comments: 17

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